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Sex education? Still too hot to handle in the classroom
on: by kylie
Author: Tifa Asrianti In this country, people just don’t want to talk about sex openly. We laugh at dirty jokes, but when it comes to including sex education in the school curriculum, people who are under the illusion that they live
Informasi Kesehatan Seks Untuk Remaja
on: by kylie
Pertanyaan mengenai kesehatan seksual seringkali muncul di usia remaja, media internet sering kali menjadi tempat pertama mereka mencari informasi. Kini, melalui internet di Indonesia, para remaja dan mereka yang mulai beranjak dewasa dapat memperoleh informasi kesehatan seksual melalui, sebuah media
Youth still in the dark about their sexuality
on: by kylie
Author: Prodita Sabarini Irwan Martua Hidayana, the University of Indonesia’s sexuality and gender expert, said when he reached puberty, he was at a loss at who to ask questions about his wet dreams. The only sources were his peers, who were
Website to teach kids what teachers won’t
on: by kylie
Author: Erwida Maulia The National AIDS Commission has launched an interactive sex education website aimed at connecting teens and young adults with health experts. The website,, which can be viewed in English and Indonesian, was created by Singaporean medical doctor
Bicara Sex Praktis, Murah dan Menyenangkan di
on: by kylie
Metrogaya- Gaya hidup dan pergaulan yang semakin bebas di kota-kota besar Indonesia, kian hari menambah jumlah peningkatan pada penderita HIV/AIDS. Data yang diperoleh dari Kementrian Kesehatan RI sampai dengan Maret 2010 ini pengidap penyakit HIV/AID mencapai 20.564 jiwa. Pembicaraan seputar seks